No matter what age you are, no matter the gender, there’s a place for you here at DCC. We will be glad to have you settle into any one of our expressions, alternative churches or fellowships.
Preserved Generation Church is the children’s church of David’s Christian Centre where we partner with parents and God to raise children who love God, love people and are trained to be the best while having fun. We focus on children from birth to 12 years
David’s Army is the teenage expression of DCC. Our vision is to raise giant killers who are on fire for God; a teenager who SLAYS - Spread Jesus, Lives Right, Authentic, Yielded to the Holy Spirit and Slays giants
The Transformed Nation is a home for young adults aged 20 - 27 years. Even as Victory requires preparation, we at TNation equip the youths to be the victory winning men and women they have been set apart to be. We fuse the values of DCC with spiritual, physical, mental, family, total life values and a large dose of fun - all to ensure we remain in a constant place of victory at every point and in every area of our lives.
Visit Transformed Nation website
Caleb Fellowship consist of men and women 60 years and above, who believe that God is able to keep their minds and bodies strong and healthy even in old age.